Jan 6, 2019 | horse stuff
Those with white (or gray) horses know the struggle. You clean them up, brush them, and when they go out, they roll. Well my mostly white paint boy LOVES his mud. Loves it! Loves it! We’ve had pretty steady rain about every three days here, so yeah, let’s...
Jan 5, 2019 | Stable Food (recipes)
This recipe came about because I wasn’t feeling well New Year’s Day and didn’t want to follow the recipe that I had printed off for this dish, which is supposed to bring you good luck. Enjoy! Print Recipe Blackeyed Peas (Hoppin' John) This New Year's...
Jan 5, 2019 | Stable Food (recipes)
Print Recipe Blackeyed Peas (Hoppin' John) This New Year's Day tradition is supposed to bring good luck. Course Side Dish Cuisine American Prep Time 2 hours Cook Time 1 1/2 hours Servings people Ingredients 1 bag blackeyed peas6 strips bacon (uncooked)1 large sweet...
Jan 3, 2019 | Cat Tales (Thursday)
As I mentioned on Tuesday’s blog, I combined my Lizard Tuesdays and Bird Talk on one day to make room for the kitties. This week’s kitty care started with a bang. As in an emergency vet visit because I realized Mama Jewel (The mama kitty who showed up in...
Jan 1, 2019 | bearded dragons (Lizard Tuesdays)
Happy New Year from everyone here on Muse Mountain. 🙂 Yesterday I had a funny experience at the grocery store. My first stop is always the produce section to get collard greens for my bearded dragons. (Alas, I haven’t set up my indoor growing stuff yet. Can we...
Dec 30, 2018 | horse stuff
When I went into Walmart with my usual weekly grocery list, I also had one other destination in mind–the Christmas clearance aisle. Not so much because I needed chocolate (I don’t) or decorations (oh way no) or wrapping paper (nope nope), but rather, I...
Dec 29, 2018 | Stable Food (recipes)
Jump directly to the recipe. Guess what’s for dinner tonight? That’s right, I’m making the goulash recipe that my mom used to make. Of course, I’ve added more herbs (I love my basil) and dress it up a bit with shredded Parmesan cheese (the real...
Dec 29, 2018 | Stable Food (recipes)
Print Recipe Mom's Easy Goulash This easy dinner is hearty, works well as left overs to take to work the next day, and is delicious! Course Main Dish Cuisine American Keyword Pasta, Quick Prep Time 5 minutes Cook Time 25 minutes Passive Time 0 minutes Servings people...
Dec 27, 2018 | birds & poultry
Somewhere around Thanksgiving (I can’t remember now if it was before, or after), I commented on a Facebook contest post about Thanksgiving. I think it was before, because the question was something along the lines of “what are you going to do for...