Guest Blog: Rock House Grill by D.V. Stone

Guest Blog: Rock House Grill by D.V. Stone

Aden House, successful but driven chef and TV personality, refuses to slow down. His life implodes one night, damaging him both physically and emotionally. He’s rescued by a woman he thinks of as his angel. Shay McDowell has rebuilt her life after her divorce. She...
Location, Location, Location: A Guest Blog

Location, Location, Location: A Guest Blog

Real Locations vs. Fictional Locations There are towns which invite their use in popular fiction. They include San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Dallas, Las Vegas, Boston, New York, and Washington, D. C. Unless writers get specific about streets and businesses...
ISWG Monthly Post: So How Are Things?

ISWG Monthly Post: So How Are Things?

For many of us the question of “how are things going?” is kind of a loaded one. When you have a chronic illness, such as I do, you quickly learn that no one wants the truth. Once you get past the “have you tried yoga?” phase of discussing your...
What’s Your Dance? by Michelle Davis

What’s Your Dance? by Michelle Davis

Usually I have a solid draft of my blog completed by Sunday morning. However, when I awoke today, I realized that I was “blogless” and needed to ditch the topic I’d been playing around with for the past few days. This week writing has been a struggle. I just “wasn’t...
Learning New Skills. Staying at Home With Horses (Sunday Horses)

Work From Home Horses (Sunday Horses)

I know I’ve written a lot about my livestock and being able to spend time with them now that I’m working from home. But if you’ll indulge me one more time, I’m going to write about my horses today. You see, being able to look out the window and...
Bonus Work From Home Eggs

Bonus Work From Home Eggs

I knew I’d be eating eggs a lot now that I’m working from home. My itty bitty Serama eggs (except I’m trying to convince her to sit so we’ll see). Duck eggs. I also had no idea that my chickens would finally start paying for themselves. Except,...