Book Review: The Duplex by (LGBT Historical Fiction)

Intriguing Look At The Past The perfect plan never works out that way–or does it? When Jerry comes up with the idea that two couples rent a duplex together it seems perfect. But people don’t always go according to plan and neither does the duplex. As a...

Making Kombucha (Saturday Food)

A conversation on Twitter sparked today’s post since I had been wanting to make a new batch of komboucha and I had lots of great teas to try. This time I used 3 of my plain black Aldi’s tea bags and the entire sample pack of Taj Mahal from The Dollar Tea...
Work From Home Horses (Sunday Horses)

Work From Home Horses (Sunday Horses)

I know I’ve written a lot about my livestock and being able to spend time with them now that I’m working from home. But if you’ll indulge me one more time, I’m going to write about my horses today. You see, being able to look out the window and...
Bonus Work From Home Eggs

Bonus Work From Home Eggs

I knew I’d be eating eggs a lot now that I’m working from home. My itty bitty Serama eggs (except I’m trying to convince her to sit so we’ll see). Duck eggs. I also had no idea that my chickens would finally start paying for themselves. Except,...
Falling Iguanas & Inspiring Photos (#ISWSG)

Falling Iguanas & Inspiring Photos (#ISWSG)

I’ve had situations and concepts inspire my writing, but never an actual photo. At least not directly and not until recently. I’ve had covers inspire stories, but I don’t think that’s quite the same as a photo that just happens out in the wild....
Work From Home Horses (Sunday Horses)

How I Keep My Horses Hydrated On Hot Days

Although it’s overcast and relatively cool today thanks to the impending arrival of Tropical Storm Barry, or what’s left of it anyway, it’s been a pretty normal hot and humid summer here in the Ozarks. Since my senior mare coliced last summer,...