Oct 18, 2019 | birds & poultry
I had blogged about my itty bitty chickens earlier. They’re fully feathered now and about half grown. In looking at them, I can identify two known roosters and two pullets (including Freida the Frizzle). One of the roosters will become my “house...
Sep 24, 2019 | birds & poultry
My little itty bitty chickens are getting feathered out and to the stage where I can see what I have. The genetics of these chickens were serama (tiny), naked neck, and some frizzle. A frizzle chicken looks as if it has a bad case of bed head, except all over its...
Sep 3, 2019 | birds & poultry
A while ago I posted a blog about the “itty bitty chickie” eggs. Well, mid August, they hatched! I ended up getting six chicks, which out of 14 hatching eggs that were shipped, and given how small they were, isn’t a bad result at all. Sadly, the...
Nov 22, 2018 | birds & poultry, life
I’m sitting here in the home office looking out my beautiful bay window to the north. Leaves are swirling down from the trees, covering the ground. One of our squirrels bounds across the yard, happy to find more acorns or hickory nuts from the tree. The horses...