Nov 12, 2019 | bearded dragons (Lizard Tuesdays)
Back when I used to sell b.dubia roaches at reptile shows in the Des Moines area, along with my super awesome cricket chow which would keep feeder insects alive for a lot longer, I used the “roach coach” to transport my cups of insects to and from shows....
Oct 24, 2019 | bearded dragons (Lizard Tuesdays)
I’ve been working on a story where the main character has a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach for a familiar. A socius, as they’re called in my Musimagium world. I’m really not squicked out by bugs, probably because I’ve had Kimba, my bearded dragon...
Apr 16, 2019 | bearded dragons (Lizard Tuesdays)
My husband I were talking about our wedding anniversary, which comes up next month, and he said he wasn’t sure what to get me. I smiled and indicated that I was looking at some death head roaches on ebay to start a colony to give some variety to my bearded...