Distract Me (Fibromyalgia Gone Wild)

Distract Me (Fibromyalgia Gone Wild)

Pain relievers. Pain relief. I could go to the trusty dictionary and find the definition of relief, but I think most of us can imagine what we believe pain relief to be. Yet, for most chronic pain patients, there really isn't any relief. The goal of pain relief should...

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Medically Abandoned – Through The Cracks (Fibro Gone Wild)

Medically Abandoned – Through The Cracks (Fibro Gone Wild)

I had a blog already planned and ready to write... and then something happened. Around three weeks ago I sent a message through the online patient portal to get my buspirone (Buspar) refilled. It's a generic version of the safe and popular anti-anxiety medication....

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Mast Cells and Dermatographism (Fibromyalgia Gone Wild)

Mast Cells and Dermatographism (Fibromyalgia Gone Wild)

I'm not allergic to cats. I have fifteen of them (yes, on purpose, kind of). And yet, I notice that if a cat is in a particular dusty area (like my office cabin - yikes!) when I got the inevitable scratch or poke because kitty bellies are so irresistible, even when...

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Looking Outside the Diagnosis (Fibromyalgia Gone Wild)

Looking Outside the Diagnosis (Fibromyalgia Gone Wild)

Unless you have a really good physician, and few fibromyalgia patients do, you'll either hear that every symptom you have is part of your fibromyalgia and there won't be any attempts to look beyond the diagnosis (and billing code) in your chart, or you'll hear that...

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