Eva never expected her husband to enjoy riding so much that he was ready to start showing. His competitive nature means more time at the barn, and less "me time" at the barn for Eva. She's not sure she's ready to go to shows with her husband as a competitor, not if it means loosing her groom and her groundsman. The tension over showing is hitting their marriage hard. Is Mark really working all those hours to help with the budget or is something else going on? Old fears resurface and an accident threatens to destroy everything.

Communication is key in riding as well as in marriage. But can Eva and Mark work things out before it's too late?

Publisher: Charmed Chicken Media
Cover Artists:
Book Cover: Animal Reiki

Reiki, a Japanese method of stress reduction and relaxation, isn’t just for people anymore. It’s for their pets, too. As a form of energy work, reiki dovetails nicely with other practices just as well as it works on its own. The only tools you need are a desire to better the life of a companion animal and an open mind. With this book as your guide, you’re just a few deep breaths away from changing not only your life, but also the life of your animal companion. From one animal lover to another, Reiki On!

Publisher: Charmed Chicken Media
Cover Artists:

Lora's ready to take the next big step with Clint. They ride together to a large show intending to win big in every way that matters. Both of them find disappointment in the arena that shakes more than Lora's faith in herself. With her horse lame and the change in her focus she wants shot down by a denial on a bank loan, she wonders if she can make Western Star the best it can be. Thankfully Clint's by her side, but will she let her worry over her farm creep into their relationship?

Note: While this story can be read alone it directly follows the earlier books in the series and you'll find your enjoyment enhanced by knowing the back story. This series is a sweet western romance saga for fans of strong willed women and hard working cowboys blazing their own paths.

Publisher: Charmed Chicken Media
Cover Artists:

Lora's not quite ready to take the next step with Clint. Before she can do so her friend is in trouble and needs help. It doesn't take long for Lora to realize her friend is in deep and she's the only one who believes everything will work out. Will seeing a new side of Clint doom their fledgling relationship before it gets off the ground? Or will she have compassion for a past that makes the presence difficult to watch?

Clint wants to give Lora all the time she needs after her rough divorce. He understands. He really does. Except now he's watching her fall head over heels into helping a friend with secrets that aren't his to tell and he's not sure he's ready to watch history repeat itself.

As the attraction between Clint and Lora deepens they'll each have to make some choices, both about each other and what they want out of the future.

Note: This is women's fiction with romantic elements which get stronger as the series progresses.

Publisher: Charmed Chicken Media
Cover Artists:

Lora's in the middle of a messy divorce with her bull rider ex-husband. Just because she left the WBR circuit and is making a name for herself as a trainer, now his buckle bunny of a girlfriend thinks she can take half of Lora's farm, her two best horses, and even her truck and trailer in the divorce and do the same thing. Lora's tired of propping up Billy and it is long past time he learned to cowboy up and take responsibility for his own life. She's swearing off men for good. Until her best friend introduces her to an up and coming D-series barrel racer with plans of his own.

Note: This women's fiction story contains romantic elements and the romantic plot grows stronger as the series continues.

Publisher: Charmed Chicken Media
Cover Artists: