Talk to me charmed horse people. (Why do I hear that in Rachel Maddow’s voice as she voices Morgan Fairchild in Batwoman? Talk to me Gotham…. LOL) I receive a lot of inspiration and healing from my horses. I’m looking for new ways to share it with you. I’d do pictures, though honestly between our homestead that needs serious work, but we’re trying and my frumpiness, I’m a bit hesitant to do so. Though I’m wondering are you interested in these things and if so, what form would you like them to take?

  • Posts on social media? (I’m most active on Twitter, and could ramp up my Facebook page.) Links to both are in the header.
  • A special email loop?
  • Membership area?

Talk to me. I know what I want to do–share how my horses and the homestead inspire and nurture me. I’m just not sure how, or what people are looking for these days? Feel free to drop by the comments and let me know.

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