How The Amazon Halo Helps Me (Fibro Gone Wild)

How The Amazon Halo Helps Me (Fibro Gone Wild)

I've learned to ignore the people who tell me that if I just exercised more or did yoga, or "fill in the blank with the latest fitness craze here" I'd be "cured" of my fibromyalgia. But that doesn't mean I don't want to do things to make me feel better. One of these...

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Writing My Obituary (Fibro Gone Wild)

Writing My Obituary (Fibro Gone Wild)

I'm going to sit down this weekend, it's already on the to do list, write my obituary, tuck it in an envelope in front of the binder I'm beginning with all the information about my logins, my passwords, how I'm paid for my writing, and when I have an extra $20, it's...

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Grieving And Chronic Illness (Fibro Gone Wild)

Grieving And Chronic Illness (Fibro Gone Wild)

The medical community doesn't talk about the grief. They don't mention that at some point you'll realize just how much your life has changed and it will hit you like a ton of bricks. They don't talk about the despair and the anger--oh how they don't mention the anger....

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You’re Not A Bitch For Setting Boundaries (Fibro Gone Wild)

You’re Not A Bitch For Setting Boundaries (Fibro Gone Wild)

It's been a while since I've made a Fibro Gone Wild post, and that's due in large part to my fibromyalgia, well, going wild. But also, I've had a lot of thoughts in my mind all tumbling around and chasing one another like puppies after a ball. Out of this chaos one...

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