In God Plucked, the free story I offer to my newsletter subscriber, Major is described as a small Serama chicken with a naked neck. A cross between a bantam turken (naked neck chickens) and the small Malaysian Serama breed. I had seen hatching eggs available from only once source, but life happened and I never did purchase any.
When I reached out to the seller she said she was thinking of only offering a few limited eggs, but she’d set a dozen aside for me. How could I resist? They’ll be here by the end of the week, and I’ll keep you posted. With any luck, I’ll have a little Major for my own. Except he won’t be magical and he won’t talk. But he’ll be an itty bitty naked neck chicken, and that’s good enough.
Did you ever get a turken/Serama chicken? I am very interested in this mix. Would you have the info for the person that sold some in the past? I really appreciate any info! (I’m just looking for a few as pets). Thank you so much!
One of them that hatched was a turken/serama rooster. From the eggs that hatched there was 1 frizzle, 1 turken/serama, and the rest are “normal” seramas. I’m hoping when it gets warmer to put these guys (1 hen/2 roos) in with my banty easter egger hen and then begin hatching some eggs to see what happens.